Sep 18, 2010

Team personalities

With time on our hands, we pulled into camp early to enjoy the beautiful sunny day.  Once the tent was set up, we each headed off on our own directions. Elsa gravitated towards her journal, Ulysse towards his book, and Eric and I took advantage of the free time to set up our slack line. After almost three months spent together, it’s fair to say that we are getting to know each other quite well.

Ulysse has earned himself the nick name “The Grizzly”, often being called so by fisherman impressed by his beard, every day increasing in size. True to his nickname, he has the amazing ability to hibernate almost anywhere. He is often found lying in the sun with his Russian history book between his hands, and dedicates much of his time writing and editing our French blogs.

Elsa is our cordon blue chef and somehow still finds new recipes to brew up with our same basic ingredients.  A fan of good food, once in camp she gravitates around the fire cutting up veggies for another delicious salad or hot meal. When Elsa isn’t cooking, she makes herself cozy in the tent keeping her journal up to date.

Eric is our strongest paddler, and the group techie with the responsibility of keeping our electronics charged via solar panels. Engineer by trade, he can always be found designing or making contraptions out of wood: wood structures to film underwater with, a chess sets, spoons and more. At night he dedicates time to learn a couple more Russian words.

As for myself, I can often be found snapping photos of the beautiful surroundings, capturing segments of video, or in front of our computer editing our next video blog.

By Sarah McNair-Landry

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